From midwinter to early spring

Hello everybody, I am Madara of the tester.

I’m writing this article now in early February, and it’s still cold day contine. I think that human beings always running behind that if it feel the seasons and understand it in the calendar. “Plums have blossomed” and “The cherry blossom bloomed” etc.。

However, in the area game, if you keep fishing in the same pound in the fall, winter, and spring, you will notice that the quality of the attack and the change in activity over time vary from season to season.

You can see that the under water is heading for spring in early February.

Even if humans feel cold, fish live in chains with other organisms, so insects appear, plankton springs, and the activity changes from such chains.

It is always the wildlife that first moves against human beings always running behind.

Well, as I talked about the seasonal story, what are the characteristics of fishing during this period?

First, the range changes depending on the time of day. The lure speed at which the fish reacts also changes. There are such features.

In midwinter, there are many time zones centered on the bottom, but in early spring the range changes depending on the time zone, either the surface layer or the bottom.

Furthermore, it was caught with 1g under but sometimes there is caught with 2g.

This situation is where you search for a basicly, heavy spoon and explore all the ranges, and then in order to reduce the speed, the weight is reduced and the whole range is searched again.

And if you got a response, it’s a basic fishing way to try the range at a different speed.

However, this fishing method includes important things.

What do you think is the difference between those who are good at fishing and those who are not good at fishing?

Sometimes you can catch by luck, but the person has empirical value is high, it is good for the spoon retrieve game.

That’s because you can get an answer quickly from a little information.

That is, it is empirical value.

For example, there was a sudden small reaction between exploring with upper, middle and lower.

What can I do to catch a fish with this reaction? The answer is immediately apparent from experience data.

So, by repeating this basic fishing method, you can save wasted time.

Originally, we search for the upper, middle and lower parts with fast and slow, but it can be match it as pattern fishing a little along the way.

Specifically, if you are a medium-sized pound, start with 2.4g Vespa. The 2.4g Vespa does not lift easily even if you wind it quickly, making it suitable for fast searches. And because it is a narrow body, it will fly more than other spoons of the same gram number.

After searching with 2.4g, if you search with 2.2g, the 2.2g has a stronger power , so you can search for whether the moving of pushing the water is better or not.

If you do not hit with many attacks while exploring, the change of speed, shift the range, or just change the color is more likely that it will hit.

Personally, if there is an attack but I could not catch it, I change the spoon or shift the range, or change something.

In this way, by fishing with fine adjustment, you can learn how to fish that leads to hits relatively quickly.

In spring, every management fishing area has many fish and there are many attacks, so it is best for practis

Let’s enjoy and concentrate on fishing while thinking with your head!


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